Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ghost edit and an update to SALT vol 1

Just updated and fixes some spelling issues in core rulebook, some spelling errors, and some overlooked errors. Ghost edit, no version change

Also, the SALT pack was updated, so please download! More new guns!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Some rules stability and the return of Spiderbot

Alright! So I've decided I'm not going to fuck with the rules anymore, at least try not to.

What this means is that the rules are, and should be stable for a long time. #booksaredone

I'm doing this because I want to actually put out a new version of spiderbot. Since we have pretty much everything one could ask for in a modern RPG(Character sheets, beastiary, core rulebook, etc), this project is beoynd done and I need some stablity in both guns and rules so that I can add all this shit to spiderbot to make it useable.

So, if you were planning on printing it out, download the zip file, and do so, because I'm not fucking with it for a long time, and I shouldn't need to.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Few mistakes in the SALT pack, FIG2 and the Core Rulebook

Just a quick update. I had some formatting I had to fix in all three of these books(Thank's craft, for the FIG2), and they've been updated, however minorly.

So re-grab them and keep playing!