Monday, December 23, 2019

Light push before chrismas

Enjoy the holidays!

Core rulebook
6.31 to 6.32
Changed The Machine gun feat tree so that GPMG feat isn't required for Close combat MG or MG reloader
Added some of the reloadable ammo types to overpen rules
Changed "Pulling objects out of bags, pockets, or pouches" to allow for a character to pick out 2d4 objects, or 1 object exactly

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

No respect for release schedules!

Had to push some updates again!

Core rulebook got some spelling fixes

The rest are below

Advanced Arms

6.16 to 6.17

Reduced the Servo weight armor upgrade to 5.0 lb

Modern Magika
6.21 to 6.22
Gave alchemist occupation transmutation as an occupational skill

Clarified Kobold and Goblin strenght calculations to also include their small stature

Also, added another gun to SALT 2, the Taurus TX22.

Oh! And the FIGs were updated for errors as well.

Also, due to some changes in dropbox that are going to start affecting me pretty soon, I may switch to another hosting provide. I'm looking at google drive but I'll take anything free that doesn't suck. Let me know!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

More updates and fixes

These are really minor spelling issues, so it's not worth a real update

I fixed some spelling issues in Core, Modern Magika, and I had to change a few things around with the life card and the ideal conceal in SALT 2, so all of those are updated

Craft also updated FIGs 1 and 2 as there were some errors with the longsword and a particular armor vest.

So it's all been pushed. Grab it now!

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ghost Edit to Modern Magika

Just a little change

(Ghost edit) Changed Transmutation's Poison effect for neurotoxin, and removed the fact that it grows with ranks.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Download to the right! Changelogs are below, and boy is it a big list

In addition to the giant list of new things, there's a new SALT pack out with some more guns for your shooting pleasure!

Will report soon on what's next to grab!

Core Rulebook

6.30 to 6.31
Clarified the Error range checking
Fixed electrical grounding
Fixed an issue with hemostats and "lasting longer"
Fixed a typo with poisons
Added 9x23 STeyr stripper clips
Added 25 rounder Uzi magazines(For SALT 2)
Credited Conscript Gary for Gridless combat
Added a new variant rule: Serious hit and glancing hit
Changed around combat so that it reads slightly better
Changed Distance rifle specialist feat to remove the -4 penalty with optics
Changed sling steady feat to only work with single shot attacks
Changed Weapon focus to weapon expertise, changed the bonus to a +2, and gave it a -1 CP reduction. Also, remove the ablity for GMs to decide if "similar" weapons are allowed. ALso, notated that the attack bonus or CP reduction doesn't stack with any other feats that give a CP reduction or attack bonus.
Clarified Favorer type
Changed Explosives listing to include wounding radius
Changed .454 Casull to 3d6+5
Modified some descriptions for melee weapons
Lowered the Stoner 63A commando's range to 80'
Reduced the error range slamfire moddification gives you to 5% error range
Changed how purchasing mastercraft objects works, granting a bit more access to +1 and +2 masatercraft objects, as well as gave GMs more room to do fun things with mastercraft objects
Changed wounding radius to 5' per 5'
Added tranqulizer darts for purchase
Changed Removeable choke barrel so that it instead gives a -15 penalty to attack instead of damaging the shotgun(??? Why did I do that?), and removed the note that only certain kinds of cylinders can fire anything other than buck or bird shot. Also, gave all cylinders but the cylinder and improved cylinder choke a -2 with all other types of ammo. Gave the Improved cylinder choke a -1 with all other kinds of ammo
Removed Weapon Finesse Feat
Changed evasive martial arts feat to a dodge bonus instead of an AGl bonus
Changed Forgiving damage feat to a dodge bonus instead of an AGl bonus
Increased elusive target to -4 penalty
Changed Cutlass to 3d3
Gave Rapier a 10' reach
Changed Whip chain to medium size and increased damage to 2d6
Changed weighted chain to 3d8
Increased Garrote's bonus to +10
Increase the Sai and Jitte's bonus to +6
Removed the autofire profiency from Exotic firerams proficency feat
Added the stab vest plate
Cleaned up AGI/AGL language to be correct
Changed "Choked barrel" to give a +3 to birdshot, a +1 to buckshot, and a -2 to all other types of ammo
Cleaned up the wording for the instructor feat and upped the benefit to 1/2 of the skill
Changed Buttpadd to -1 CRP
Changed speedfeed stock to allow it to hold 6 SHells
Changed compact cut to alos inclue lever and bolt action shotguns with internal magazines
Gave a 2 CP cost for unfolding the burgess folding shotgun
Changed around a lot of the colt single action revolvesr, split some up into "Industrial backup guns" and gave some a +1/+2 to stealth based on size
Swapped around all of the artilery modesl with Calvary models and vice versa, when necissary
Changed how hunger and thirst work, introducing two new status effects
Reduced HK11e's range to 80 feet, to match the HK21
Removed the linked ammo notification for HK11 and HK 13
Added the Remington 1899 and 1894 Side by side 10 gauge shotguns to inddustrial shotguns
Reduced the CP cost to trip down to 5 CP.
Changed armor in the following ways:
Limb Protectors can be installed on the same or LOWER level of armor. Got this mixed up.
Heavy limb protectors now grant 40 AP and increase the weight by 20%
Medium limb protectors now grant 20 AP and increase the weight by 15%
Light Limb protectors  now grant 5 AP and increase the weight by 5%
Increased the Special Response vest Equipment bonus to +5 and increased it's AP to 108
Increased the Forced Entry unit Equipment bonus to +5 and increased it's AP to 147
Increased the corrections vest AP to 90 and changed it to tacital armor
Decreased the Concealable vest and concealable fight vest's CP to move to -1
Increased the Light Duty vest's AP to 60 and reduced it's weight by 2 lbs.
Increased the Flak Vest's AP to 21
Gave the steel combat helmet 2\slashing DR
Changed Armor mastery feat to round down, not up.
Increased cost of Benelli Supernova to 25 WP
Added a caveat with Perception so that the distance modifier only kicks in after 100 feet
Gave longswords the ablity to cause piercing or slashing damage
Changed parrying dagger to piercing damage
Added flares for the flaregun for purchase(1 WP for 12)
Added flamethrower fuel canister (1 for 1 WP)
Reduced the price for tracer rounds in the following levels:
Intermediate rimless, 100 per 1 WP
Heavy Rimless, 50 per 1 WP
Light Rimmed, 50 per 1 WP
Heavy Rimmed, 50 per 1 WP
Light rifle, 40 per 1 WP
Intermediate rifle, 40 per 1 WP
Added the Beretta 81 and the 82
Changed all the Berettas to the FS models
Changed the beretta 86 to the 85(Non-tip up barrel)
Changed Over Pressure's damage increase to +3
Changed fortified frame to also remove the error range that comes with OP rounds as well
Changed Favored caliber's attack bonus to +2 and reduced it's recoil reducing powers to 25%, but rounded up
Clarified Foam slug's damage
Added shotgun feats to Rifle clubber
Changed Treat injury so that CHP always heals first
Added 35 round magazines for the EVO-3(For SALT 2)
Changed Linguistics to work basedd off of modofiers, not ranks

Removed the notion that you need to have at least 8 CP after initiative wagering.

Modern Magika
6.20 to 6.21
Changed all notions of Weapon Focus to Weapon Expertise
Fixed some issues with wording for Magic
There was some confusion with the "per previous" vs "Per" where it would compound and grow exponentionally. I removed all aspect of per previous to make the increases linear
Increased Rope dagger range to 20 feet.
Added Acid to evokalloys and elemetals
Changed Black powder specialist to reduce error range by 5%
Added the Black Powder Expert Feat
Removed "ink" from paints and inks for the globe launcher payloads
Wood isn't a non-porous substance unless it's varnished. Changed
Changed Spellbook pouch to hold a full size spellbook and not just 50 pages
Changed the height of goblins and dwarves
Changed Evocation(Concussive)'s cantrip to allowing it to give a wounding radius
Added Island Elves. (Psion focused elves!)
Added Plateau Dwarves (Southwestern Native american dwarves!)
Gave Concussive dragon breath a 1d2+1 stunned effect
Changed armor in the following ways:
Increased Chain Leather jacket's  AP to 120 and changed it's CP loss to 0, and changed it to Impromptu, and gave it pockets
Gave the swordsman's vest 2\Ballistic
Changed ARmorplate's CP loss to 3
Increased Dragonskin's Equipment bonus to +6 and increased it's AP to 98
Removed Quilted Vest
Changed Padded Vest turned into Gambeson and given 3 Bludgonging DR, and increased the AP to 30
Increased silk vest to 3/Ba and increased the AP to 12, annd increased it's Cost to 15 WP
Gave Leather Vest 4 slashing and increased it's AP to 36
Increased Linothrax dr to 5 piercing and increased it's AP to 40
Increased Copper scaled linothorax to 6 piercing and increased it's AP to 56
Removed Bludgonging from chain shirt, increased it's Slashing DR to 6, and it's AP to 80
Changed armored coat to Brigandine
Increased chainmail's Slashing DR to 7 and reduced it's weight to 15 lbs
Changed Bronze Chestplate's Bludgonging DR to 1 and increased it's AP tpo 75
Change Breastplate's Slashing DR to 9, it's percing DR to 5, and it's bludgoning DR to 2, and increased it's AP to 90
Changed Scalemail's  Bludgoning to 5 DR and it's ballistic to 1, and increased it's AP to 80
Changed Splint Mail's Slashing DR to 7 and it's AP to 110
Increased Full Plate's Piercing DR to 8, it's Ballistic to 3, and it's AP to 240 and changed it's max agl to +0
Changed all the shields from dodge bonus to equipment bonus
Changed the plastic shield so that it doesn't block plasma or ballistic damage
Removed Decipher Specialist Feat
Allowed Telepathic link's range to be increased
Added a new language: Trade Bant Traditional and split up the old trade bant to "Trade bant Simplified"
Gave Ether a limited time of effect, 1d3 rounds

Advanced Arms
6.15 to 6.16
Changed explosives to include wounding radius
Added "Foamed metal" spray to quickly patch up synthetics
Changed Sonic Grenade to 60' blast radius
Changed armor in the following ways:
Changed the microfiber's DR to 8 and it's AP to 8
Changed the Charged tactical vest to 60 AP
Increased the HEM tactical vest to 60 and increased it's AP to 50
Increased the Juggernaut Armor's AP to 200(Typo, was supposed to be this), increased it's Plasma\Eletric DR to 16, and increased it's Ballistic\Slashing damage to 10, and gave it 10\piercing Droppod
Increased Mobile Tank armor's AP to 375 and increases it's Equipment bonus to +5
Increased Marine armor's AP to 180
Increased the MA5G and MB5G's grenade launcher's range to 60'
Gave longswords the ablity to cause piercing or slashing damage

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Updates to the current status

Game's still chugging along.

Change log is big as hell

Trying to get it out before december, waiting on Craft to finish his updates to FIG 1 and 2.

Other than that, games still moving along nicely.

Friday, November 22, 2019

What in the wide blue fuck.

I don't know which one of you mad-lads did this, but I want to thank you for doing it.

It shows me that ever since I started this stupid crazy thing that there's been at least one other person who's enjoyed it, especially enough to actually go through BGG and fill out everything.

So, if you're reading this, thanks. I seriously appreciate it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A change of plans.

Spiderbot's on hold until I write a real module for this game.

Something I've seen requested and the question I get most often is "What do I use this for? How do I use this game?" And with the first module basically being a corregraphed gunfight, I'm going to look at writing a module that's more in line with actually using the game, rather than just "look, here be gunfights!

It's going to be Resident Evil Themed, so look for it soon.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Obligatory "I'm not dead i'm working" post

So, what's down the pipeline!

Minor Error fixes for Core rulebook, nothing crazy that'll change how the game works, but look for them.

Also, SALT PACK 2 is in the works as well.

After salt pack comes the reformatted spiderbot

After that comes GAINS, and we seriously start working on the setting for the system.

After that? I don't know. I'm probably done by then.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ghost edit and an update to SALT vol 1

Just updated and fixes some spelling issues in core rulebook, some spelling errors, and some overlooked errors. Ghost edit, no version change

Also, the SALT pack was updated, so please download! More new guns!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Some rules stability and the return of Spiderbot

Alright! So I've decided I'm not going to fuck with the rules anymore, at least try not to.

What this means is that the rules are, and should be stable for a long time. #booksaredone

I'm doing this because I want to actually put out a new version of spiderbot. Since we have pretty much everything one could ask for in a modern RPG(Character sheets, beastiary, core rulebook, etc), this project is beoynd done and I need some stablity in both guns and rules so that I can add all this shit to spiderbot to make it useable.

So, if you were planning on printing it out, download the zip file, and do so, because I'm not fucking with it for a long time, and I shouldn't need to.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Few mistakes in the SALT pack, FIG2 and the Core Rulebook

Just a quick update. I had some formatting I had to fix in all three of these books(Thank's craft, for the FIG2), and they've been updated, however minorly.

So re-grab them and keep playing!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Release time!

Here we go!

here's the latestest release of Ops and Tactics!

I did a few changes so I'll start off with what's new:

1. SALT pack: Which is a renaming of the "Supply drops". Just a small few things I felt like adding. I expect it to be critiqued so I may ghost edit it if I find some things incorrect

2. Character sheets: Westley revised the PDF sheet that was written by JD, giving it calculations and is now form fillable. It's in the zip file

3. I've removed a lot of the individual downloads because most people were getting confused and were either missing things, so instead the only download available is the zip file. Seperate from this are the previous version(5th and 4th Edition), and SQUATS, which you can download for yourself


Core Rulebook
6.29 to 6.30
Gave the Agram-2000 a pistol grip
Fixed the Armsport 2700's lack of double barrel
Removed one Mas-49
Clarified what kind of bayonet is on the SKS-45
Removed the perils of using poison rules
Added Temp ranges
Swapped the dom/recessive descriptions in the race making
Changed parka, overcoat, and coats so that they more directly help sitting in the cold
Changed some of the motorcyle names to be more consistent
Added "Concussive" damage to extremity damage
Changed surface vehicle operation slightly

Changed price of Colt delta elite and colt government 1911

Modern Magika

6.19 to 6.20
Corrected some Errors with the example spells
Changed Dragonbreed in the following ways
Increased their DR to 3
Reduced the breath weapon use from 1 hour to 5 minutes
Changed fire breath duration effect to 1d3+1 or until extinguished
Changed cold breath duration effect to 1d3+1
Changed the reflex save to save for half damage to TN8 + Ranged attack
Changed Hill Dwarves in the following ways
Gave them the feat Favored type (Slashing) for free at 1st level
They can not be inebriated
Changed Cave Dwarves in the following ways
They can not be inebriated

Advanced Arms
6.14 to 6.15
Changed Polarans in the following ways
Gave polarnas a fast healing ability based on their climate or if they're wearing their chill collar
Gave dom/pure polarans the second wind feat for free at 1st level

Gave pure polarans the Forgiving damage feat for free at 1st level

Other than that, that's all we've got for now! Enjoy it and feel free to hit me up either here or at!


Monday, August 26, 2019

Things brought to my attention that are being fixed

See the title!

New reformation of some races(Minor things), and some errors that I missed are being fixed, so if you're printing this thing, hold off on doing as such, cause a new book is comming out soon

Also a SALT pack. So look for that!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Books updated again!

More changes!

Core Rulebook
6.28 to 6.29
Changed .45 LC to 2d6+3
Changed .44 Special to 1d6+6

This time FIG 1 and 2 had to be updated as well

I also fixed the zipfile's number to be the correct date

Update due to me not noticing things!

Alright I figgured I'd put out a quick update fixing an issue that was noticed by some anons.

Changelog is below, and the only thing that was updated was the core rulebook and the Player Resource guide, as it was the only thing requiring updating

6.26 to 6.27
Changed .50 GI to 5d3+2 from 6d3+2
Changed dried noodles to 2 NV
Simplified the packaging scheme for food.
Changed some antiseptic names but left the rules intact

Sunday, July 28, 2019

New version for core rulebook!

I had(read: wanted to) rewrite the character rolling rules because they were a bit too complicated so says the playtesters, so I did!

Changelog is below!

Core Rulebook:

6.26 to 6.27
Changed how rifle grenades work
Added a note about Damage and saving throws
Added Taser 7 and revise taser rules
Completely rewrote Chapter 2 to make rolling a character easier to do.

All other books have not had any changes done to them

Download today!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Formatting change for ease of reading

There's going to be another update but (mostly) no rules are going to change.

Been talking with the crew about how rolling a character can be improved and now that I have a concrete direction I'm going to be following that.

So, look for it!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Saturday, June 29, 2019

New Character sheets

New PDF character sheets made by FlyingDingo  are available! They're not form fillable yet but they're very useable for printing and normal use! Grab em!

Also, Blackghost changed around the print based character sheets.

They're both in the zip file and they're both available for download!

Go grab them!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

These fixes will be the death of me.

I had to update the books.


Because of super minor errors the testers noticed.

Changelog is below!

Core rulebook

6.25 to 6.26
Corrected the movement notation in movement, that talks about moving more than 20'
Changed kneeling defense to +2
Changed powder and primers weight to 2 lbs
Clarified some things with damage and damage dice and increasing or decreasing
Noted that the Taclite T2 bolt action

Changed the Tactical sheath to huge or larger
Changed the multiplication rule so that instead of adding multipliers, you multiply them together.

yes, that's it. I told you they were minor.

FIG 2 also had to be updated because of some wrong range numbers with one of the NPCs. Just a minor fix.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Visual Update

ALRIGHT! I'm actually delcaring myself done with this!

The last step in me working with this game was to clean up some editing and Actually work on some good covers.

Which I have done!

Every 6e book has been updated with various fixes. There's only a real changelog for core, but here's all three.

The books look MUCH better now and I'm pleased to announce the completion of the main line Ops and Tactics books. this doesn't mean I won't update, fix, or otherwise clean up some wording, but as for the actual game rules and such, theyr'e done. Finished. Finito. I know i've said this a lot, but I actually am done. I got everything I wanted in the game. I got all of the rules done, everything's balanced, and everything functions beautiful. There's no need further for me to meddle with it.

Changelogs are below.

Core Rulebook

6.24 to 6.25
ARTISTIC UPDATE! Changed the first and last page to fit the theme of "Manual"
Also changed some formatting to "Book"
Made the following changes to MOLLE
The magazine pouches eliminate the need to reach into a pack to pull out magas/speedloaders
Molle can come in Camo colors
Molle Reduces weight by half
Changed the molle vest to allow it to come in different colors!
Changed hearing protection to protect against stuns as well, but only against loud noise stuns
Removed the notion that only basic hearing protection can be worn under helmets
Changed Punch daggers/push blades to touch attack instead of normal attack
Added the FN MK48(Viewer request!)

Clarified breakbarrel shotgun feats

Advanced Arms
6.13 to 6.14

ARTISTIC UPDATE! Changed the first and last page to fit the theme of "Manual"

Modern Magika
6.18 to 6.19

ARTISTIC UPDATE! Changed the first and last page to fit the theme of "Manual"

Because this is a new update that affects every single book


Thank you for being on this journey with me, and next, GAINS!

Monday, June 10, 2019

One more update.

Watch this space.

I'm doing something a little special.

It's not done yet, but i've got one more release for you all then I'm calling it hands off!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Release day!

Alright, after a fucking long long development, I present to you the latest iteration of Ops and Tactics!

I'll start off with the new stuff

PRESSS,  FISHES and the Module!

PRESSS is the sport shooting module, for players to have some fun with a little sport shooting minigame, simulating things like USPSA and IPSC for Ops and Tactics

Fishes is a little fishing minigame. For fishing!

The module is a little module that I wrote and mothballed for a little while, and I decided to release it.

The changelogs are below!

Core Rulebook

6.23 to 6.24
Corrected Errors with formatting
Changed the Repair armor Craft structural benefit to 1d4+2 AP per check
Lowered the requirement to receive defense from moving from 30 to 20 feet.
Fixed all of the 5.7 to -3
Corrected GLock 18's Stealth rating to match glock 17
Added the P-96M and P-96S Handguns(Russian Request)
Added "Standard" tactical flashlight, which cost 2 WP less
Changed the SMG and MG quotes
Added Rifle Tranq gun
Added Yeasaul revolver
Moved the HK USP compacts to full size with a bonus to stealth
added the HK P30 (Missed This one)
Added the HK VP9 (And this one. Hmn)
Added the RPK15
Added AEK0906 in 9x18mm Makarov
Added the "Thor"
Fixed all of the HK magazine compatibilities  for handguns(Thank you Timeshares)
Changed Extended barrel so that extending the barrel turns a SMG into a Carbine rifle
Removed the notion that shortening a SMG using a SBR upgrade turns it into a carbine
Removed all HK "Carbine" MP5s/USPs.
Changed "Down to the nub" to "Compact Cut"
Changed "Nebraska cut" to "Pistol Cut"
Updated gunsmithing to allow for single and double shot rifles, in the assault/target, carbine, and AMR varieties
Removed the Waffen Werks AK 74
Added the Valmet Model 412
Condensed the Rem Model 7600
Added the 6P62(Russian Request)
Removed the notion in concealment that at 50% concealment you have to "Guess" the player/target's location
Added the Groza
Added the XM8
Added and more expanded on what buying and owning a house gets you
Added notes for giving and purchasing vehicles and houses at charactergen
Changed the ammunition "upgrades" to modifications that can be purchased with the ammo
"Subsonic" has been changed to "Low pressure" and it now provides a -1 damage and reduces recoil by 1 per damage dice@
"High pressure"(A poor simulation of +P ammo), grants a +1 damage and +1 recoil and has been added
Overpressure is now "Over Pressure" and provides a +2 damage and +2 recoil per damage dice. It also blows up when the gun jams at all, not just on a 3, unless otherwise noted.
Changed the Carrying Capacity so that it now works in the following way
Less than Carrying Capacity is not encumbered
Between 1x and 2x Carrying capacity is medium encumbered
between 2x and 3x carry capacity is heavy encumbered
More than 3x is Over encumbered
Changed the Menacing feat to say "Add their CON mod" to intimidate
Changed AA12's stock to permanent buffer stock
Changed a lot of weapons that weigh more than 25 lbs to Huge sized
Added Halbeard to the spear feats
Added the S&W 940 DAO revolver
Added the weights back to kits that were missing weights
Gave Riot armor 3/Bl, Unarmed
Changed Brass knuckles damage from Bludgoning to Unarmed
Changed Wrist wraps damage from Bludgoning to Unarmed
Removed Disposable cameras
Lowered price of Commercial cameras
Lowered price of Professional cameras
Added basic and high end Phones and Tablets
Added a rewrite of the Technology Use Skill, that was written by Boots and Conscript Gary
Added "Breakdown" upgrade that allows people to re-eigneer a firearm that can be broken down into two pieces
Changed limb protectors to also include the hands/feet of the selected limb.
Changed Autofire mastery feat so that instead of giving a bonus it actually reduces the base CRP
Added the TN for the animal to actually perform said trick
Changed how AP works. instead of it just automatically removing the -1 Damage dice, that is removed and replaced with Piercing dice only if the target is armored. Shooting an unarmored target with AP basically makes it work like FMJ.
Added Snack Food. It was a requirement.
Shifted the weight around of a lot of foods to be matching.
Changed the following feats: Autofire Prof, Slamfire Prof, Fanning Prof, Double tap Prof, Burst fire Prof, Slamfire expert, and Fanning expert to reduce the recoil of the attack in some way, by either changing the actual recoil of the attack, or reducing it, instead of a flat attack bonus
Increase toughness's CHP bonus to +2
Capped the defense bonus to movement to +15 defense
Added Soft points to Light rifle
Changed the carrying cap of some trucks
increase semi wadcutter's ER to 20%
Increased SJSP and SJHP 's ER to 15%
Increased SUrplus's ER to 30%
Added the upgrade "Fortified frame" that allows a user to fortify a firearm to take Overpressure ammunition., at the cost of making the fireramr 10% heavier
Added the ability to reload ammo to any load
Increased Crossbow damage
Changed Rifle expert to once per turn for the benefits
Changed Pistol expert's burst fire ablity to once per turn.
Changed Revolver expert's ablity to reload more than once
Changed Motorcycle suit to to protect against feet and hands
Removed Doublefire Proficency feat
Changed Bows so that only the recurve gives bonuses to damage based on str, and has a hard cap of +6 extra damage.
Changed Tightened drawstring's bonus to only work for recurve bows and crossbows, and reduced the power from 2.0 to 1.5
Changed Molle magazines to allow to hold shotgun mags with 10 rouneds or less
Changed Shoulder holster to allow the holding of shotgun magazines
Changed Tactical holder to allow to hold a shotgun magazine
Changed magazine caddy to allow the holding of shotgun magazines.
Remove the extra rail requirement to take frame slots
Notated that the Magazine foregrip needs to actually be gripped by the user to take benefit
Change Pintle to reduce the recoil by 6 instead of granting a +6 Bonus
Removed the Emulation Feat
Increase Point blank shot's bonus to +2
Gave Combat expertise a PRerequisite of +2 BAB
Change Simple Weapon specialist to select a single simple melee weapon, and instead making you choose a specific simple weapon you then build feats from
Changed Field knife to 2d3
Changed Forceful strike to say "Medium or larger"
Changed Favored type to a +3 Damage
Added DMRs to the Recoil Management feat tree
Removed point blank shot prereq from slamfire, double tap, and faning proficency feat trees
Further expounded on the various visions in "Darkness and vision"
Clarified the aluminum cases values so that it' also makes mention of a medium sized case
Added the Survival Knowledge skill, that focuses on rural culture, hunting, farming, and other survival type knowledge
Changed Pistol loweres to carbine rifles for the purpose of feats, since you can chop the barrel down to turn it into a SMG through other means.
Notated that the type of upper will change the type of gun it is for some uppers
Changed how Knowledge Synergies work
Gave Knowledge survival to The Rural, Security, and Military Occupations
All Clubs only take a -2 attack penalty when being used as a non-lethal weapon
Added cost of ballistic knife blades
Changed Bodkin Arrows to give two piercing dice normally
Changed Broadheads to give 1 slashing damage dice
Added American Derringer DA 38 and Standard Derringer handguns
Changed Flamethrower and flamer to match up with the standard "catching fire" rules
WP grenades deal addtional 4d6 in the following round instead of 1d6
Added the notion that the Molotov coctail and fire jar all risk catching fire upon steping into the burst radius
Added Bizon 2
Increased Bizon and bizon 2's mag cost to 3 WP per mag
Added notes that certain occupations get certain kinds of job related licensing for free
Added TNs to the detonators
Changed the "Concealed" upgrade to work for any weapon of medium size or smaller
Changed "Short barrel rifle" to include any assault/battle/Target rifle to a carbine, not just self loading ones

Added Manual Detonator, that's a detonator that can be used to set off explosives manually
Changed Explosive shell to Concussive only, and removed fire damage
Notated that shotguns using explosive rounds can also attack 5' squares
Changed "Retractable" upgrade to any Any Diminutive or larger weapon with the notion that they must be unfolded to use.
Added the Beretta A400 and the Beretta A300
Changed Internal upgrades to be a +20 for all upgrades that aren't precision upgrade and clockwork action
Added stripper clip guide to the Enfields due to possible confusion
Changed KSG25 to 12 rounds per tube
Changed Shotgun Expert to now cover bolt, pump, lever, semi- or fully automatic shotguns for most actions.
Changed SHotgun rig to "hunting rig" that can hold shogun shells or loose cased rounds
Added Large wasist pack and notated that all items are in a waist pack are considred to be stored in LBE gear
Cleared up some ambigious rules on sprayfire
Removed the marker shell
Added "Armor piercing Shell" a shotgun shell that functions like an Armor piercing bullet
Changed 7.63x25mm Mauser/7.62x25mm Tokarev stripper clips to 10 rounds(Thanks Roland)
Added martini Enfield (Roland Request!)
Added Enfield MKIII(The WW1 One)
Added mas-49(Roland Request!)
Added the MG 08/15(Roland Request!)
Added the Glock 20 33 rounder magaines
Changed some of the values for gunsmithing to make more sense, for range
Changed Coach gun sawn off to "Coach Cut"
Changed Single action so that all single action firearms, even those with cylinders, get the +1
Added Alchemy to the synergy list for earth and life sciences
Added The S&W 610 Revolver in both the 4 and 6 inch models
Added Inch indicators for all S&W revolvers(?)
Hearing protection protects against all saving throws, not just will, that cause deafening
Added the ablity to "slow down" someone who is in range with spears in spear specialist and Spear mastery
Added Fishing Kits and Snare kits, the fishing kits can be used with FISHES game
Made a slight change to Revolver expert to say that any firearm with a cylinder can be reloaded, TO capacity, for free
Potshots, fanning, slamfire, burst fire and double taps can no longer use called shot
Changed Lanyard to negate the mention that you need to drop to kneeling or prone to pick things up, and that it can't be taken more than 5' from the person/thing it's attached to if it's taken
Changed Disarm so that melee and ranged weapons are fairly similar in their function
Changed the Disclaimer and credits
Changed AKS-74u to 65' range
Added the added the subcompact sig P320 in .357 Sig(I think I forgot this one?)
Added the P250 Series of handguns, which is a DAO version of the P320(It came first, though, and is cheaper)
Added a kel-tec sub2000 that takes CZ75 mags and P320/P250 mags in both 9mm and .40
Added the 20 round magazine for the .45 Caliber Hi point(Thanks Redball!)
Changed the Colt 1917 to the M1917(Since S&W also made these)
Changed James read "Knuckle duster" to James reid "My friend" and allowed it to be used as brass knuckles
Added the .32 and .41 Rimfire James Reid "My friend" revolvers
Changed the Advanced combat sight to a 2 CP cost to aim
Changed the h&r single shot shotgun to the H&R topper trap gun
Changed Assault rifle's possible categories to 2nd - 9th for gunsmithing
Changed the Zastava M85 to take 5.56 AK mags
Changed the M1 and M1A1 thomson's ROF to M
Changed Heavy Attack to a 1 additional damage die instead of a +2 damage
Changed "Tactical Holder" to "tactical caddy"
Changed MG specialist to increase the Reflex saving throw of Autofire to TN20
Changed MG expert to allow a charcter to immediately suppressive fire instead of having to autofire beforehand
Reworded wounding radius so that only explosives that cause prone knocking will cause it furthermore
Gave the M590A1 a bayonet lug
Removed the Caltrop running penalty

Notated that you can't use stealth while attacking

Advanced Arms
6.12 to 6.13
Removed the XHP penalty for synths
Gave the extended caseless pistol a stealth negative
Gave Armored shell Synths a +3 XHP per level
Reduced Agile shell augmentation cost to 50%
Completely redid the Trade goods containers(Thanks Gary)
Added the Unit ammounts for liquid trade goods
Added NV values for trade goods
Clarified that synths are only immune to the healing subschool
Changed how repair pods, repairing spaceships, and repair supplies work
Added the "Devil" language for synths(OpenBSD)
Added a notion that you can indeed translate non synth languages into synth and vice versa, but it often fails in translation(To comedic effect)
Removed some of the Agumentation modules and placed them in core and Modern Magika
Added a change to Expert power form feat that only disallows use if the feat is a psi/plas blade requirement feat
Change SYnths so that they are only stunned by EMP, not completely disabled
Added two Licensed level Plasma rifles(Russian Request)
Reserve packs for plasarms can be taken a max of 4 times, and once for plasblades
Upped the price of reserve packs, for plasblades, to 20 WP
Swapped around the dominant and recessive traits. This is 100% cosmetic, but was necessary since, as per the rules, the recessive trait controlled the size.
Changed the emitters so they can be used to also remove the upgrades as well. Also noted that if you remove them the restrction rating can be lowered.
Gave the bots a "Clamp" Upgrade
Added information about plasma helmets and their use of coolant packs
Changed shaped and color emitter to not reuqure emitter slots
Removed the Countermeasure's ablity to force an additonal turn of wait before relock
Changed spinal lancing so that the higher end spinal lancing disallows the use of other arm or leg augmentations
Changed QUik Charge armor coolant packs to 1/4th reduction instead of half
Gave *Bots the ablity to "Fetch"
Swapped the Standard hilt and Curved Hilt Critical ranges
Lowered the Plasarm/lasarmm/elarm WP cost to half the total TN
Changed how tattoo spells and drawn spells work. Instead of it being a SP number, it is a limited amount of spells total, and how thely are lost are based on number instead of SP.
Changed MA5T to have the full auto mode
Changed Gel ammo to only work within the 1st range increment, and that the arms/legs also provide less lethal damage
Gave acid grenades and acid rounds a lingering effect
Gave cold ammuntion a CP reduction effect
Added the "Plasma parts kit" which is the same thing as a firearm's parts kit
Multiple typoes of aternate fire can no longer used called shots
Added the brawler's cut armor
Added lockout sensor upgrade

Changed pulsefire to 2 dice and +1 per 10 kW, to make it more attractive at higher wattages

Modern Magika

6.17 to 6.18
Changed Enchantment  abjuration so it no longer uses enchantment timing
Changed Evocation's, Transmutation, and Abjuraton's line area effect to three times
Changed Burst Radius's effect range to effect range from range
Made notes that someone using a magically enhanced weapon can decide when and when not to use the enhancement
Added some example spells(Thanks CG!)
Due to popular request, Goblins have been tweaked and added back in as a playable race. Thanks to help from Druin and Conscript Gary(!)
Increased Dragonbreed's CHP to Con + 3
Reworded Dragonbreed and Sslythen's natural melee weapons to work with feats.
Gave Desert elves the ability to chose Black powder proficiency or personal firearm proficiency, at level 1
Change Desert elves Recoil penalty to -2, but made it apply to all recoil weapons, not just non-BP guns
Gave "Pure" high elves the feat "Runic stylus" for free at 1st level
Changed Practiced stylus to a recessive trait
Changed the base stylus damage to Character level * d3
Changed stylus cost to use to 6 CP
Changed Fluid Jet to require 15 PP
Removed Psiblade's ablity to ignore non-magical slashing damage
Added the magical calculator module from AA, since it can be used with computers now
Swapped around the dominant and recessive traits. This is 100% cosmetic, but was necessary since, as per the rules, the recessive trait controlled the size.
Added Gems
Added the Breadbarian's mace
Removed Snail Doo
Capped Psyrunning to a maximum of 20', and required that it only be done with no or light armor, and while not encumbered
Swapped the Standard hilt and Curved Hilt Critical ranges
Changed how tattoo spells and drawn spells work. Instead of it being a SP number, it is a limited amount of spells total.
Changed Combat Psion in the following ways:
Increased their Occu. Skills from 1 to 2
Gave them an occupational feat:Combat Martial Arts, Evasive Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Brawl, or Dodge
Changed Utility Psion in the following ways:
Added Telepathy as a possible skill for selection
Increased their occu. skills from 1 to 2
Gave them an occupational feat: Skill Focus (Telekinesis, Telepathy, or Psychometabolism)
Increased their starting wealth to : (3d4+1)×10 (Average 85)
Increased their biweekly wealth to : 16d4 (Average 40)
Changed Medical Spell Practioner in the following Ways:
Increased their occu. SKills from 1 to 3
Added Craft(Pharma or Alchemy) to their list of possible occu skills
Removed "healer" from possible feats
Added Conjuration to possible skill focus feats
Added a notion to Shadow Weapon that consumables are not generated
Changed Fire cantrip to just threathen catching on fire instead of specifying it's 1d6
Changed plastic shield to provide one-quarter cover in one direction.

Expanded on waterproof inks
Increased Ink vials to 16 reloads or 160 spells
Increased the disposable pen time penalty to 2x
Changed the tattoo ink to a single spell from SP
Lowered the cost of cotton paper book to 1 WP
Changed the cost of Vellum, Bonewood, and parchment books to 90% of the cost of loose leaf
Changed all the amounts of Vellum, Bonewood, and parchment books to 50
Increased blast paper to a +10'
Reduced the cost of Shadowstones to 5 WP
Moved around some enhancements for abjuration locks and traps and barriers, but no actual change to the rules
Changed quickpaper to work on any spell regardless of SP cost
Changed target paper to give a +3
Changed beacon paper from anyone or anything to everyone and everything
Increased fire damage for ether
Changed fire damage and length for petrol fires for the globe launcher
Added "Foil Globes" a way to shoot potions at people without causing slashing damage
Added type of weapons for percussion revolvers
Changed all Black powder weapons to "none" for restrictions
Added modern muzzleloaders and their projectiles
Added Powder pellets for muzzleloaders
Adamantine weapons now double the AP lost
Increased the time for some Incantation heirloom sights
Added information on gunsmithing black powder guns

Changed the Swordmaker to Rika Shinozaki

the books are available, as well as a big zip file with them all! Go and grab them!

Edit: This is my 200'th post! Hooray! Thanks for all your support!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Pushing stuff back a bit!

Alright! Update time! I may have to push back the June 1st release while we finish the last bit of FID2 and do the proofreading.

I know I hate to keep you guys waiting but I hate doing ghost edits and I want to get this done and finished.

Watch this space!

Monday, April 22, 2019

I just realized it's been two months!

So! I forgot I hadn't posted here in two months!

I appoligize! I didn't think anyone actually read this fucking blog but here we are.

Alright, first and foremost I'm still waiting until June 1st so I can work out all the kinks with everything.

The RE2 Project got mothballed again due to us wanting to focus on GAINS, the setting, but that's coming after the June 1st Release because I want to give myself and my testers ample time to weed out all the issues. And it's already worked thus far so it's all good!

Status on Books!

Core Rulebook: Complete, but we're still doing some last bit fine tuning here and there. All will be revealed in the changelong

Modern Magika: Done. Completely. There's not much I could do or add to it going forward.

Advanced Arms: Nearly done. There are few things I've been mulling over in my head about adding/changing, but for the most part this book is in a very playable State

Simplified Quick Action Tactics System(SQuATS): Finished, but untested. The book is simpler than the core rulebook but everything functions and works.

Practical Extended Shooting Sports System(PRESSS): Completely finished and ready for testing/use. This is the IDPA/USPSA/3 Gun system that was written on a lark.

Surprise Minigame/microsystem(????): Nearly complete, can't wait to surprise you guys with this one.  

Field Identification Guide, Vol 1: Complete and ready to go.

Field Identification Guide, Vol 2:  Craft is finishing this one up and it should be ready and complete by June 1st. Both FIG 1 and 2 have updated text making combat far easier to use.

Module 1:  Done, and tested once, but it functions.

As always, feel free to hit me up with an email for questions and such!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A legitimate update to what the hell i've been doing.

Greetings Fellow Ops players!

I wanted to give you guys (All three of you) that read this blog just on what the hell i've been doing with little to no updates.

Currently, I'm working on all the books but I'm pretty much about done with any major edits, fixes, and other corrections. I'm wrapping up a variant rule by Gary, and I'm going to work on reviving the old Resident Evil (2) module I mothballed seven years ago, making it updated for the current version.

There will be a lot of new goodies coming in with this release, but not in their usual "I added a bunch of guns" form.

For a taste test, I'll post the current changelog for the Core rulebook below.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email me. We also have a discord, email me and I'll send it to you to join so you too can directly complain at me about what I'm doing wrong! :D

Changelog is below!

Core Rulebook:
6.23 to 6.24
Corrected Errors with formatting
Changed the Repair armor Craft structural benefit to 1d4+2 AP per check
Lowered the requirement to receive defense from moving from 30 to 20 feet.
Fixed all of the 5.7 to -3
Corrected GLock 18's Stealth rating to match glock 17
Added the P-96M and P-96S Handguns(Russian Request)
Added "Standard" tactical flashlight, which cost 2 WP less
Changed the SMG and MG quotes
Added Rifle Tranq gun
Added Yeasaul revolver
Moved the HK USP compacts to full size with a bonus to stealth
added the HK P30 (Missed This one)
Added the HK VP9 (And this one. Hmn)
Added the RPK15
Added AEK0906 in 9x18mm Makarov
Added the "Thor"
Fixed all of the HK magazine compatibilities  for handguns(Thank you Timeshares)
Changed Extended barrel so that extending the barrel turns a SMG into a Carbine rifle
Removed the notion that shortening a SMG using a SBR upgrade turns it into a carbine
Removed all HK "Carbine" MP5s/USPs.
Changed "Down to the nub" to "Compact Cut"
Changed "Nebraska cut" to "Pistol Cut"
Updated gunsmithing to allow for single and double shot rifles, in the assault/target, carbine, and AMR varieties
Removed the Waffen Werks AK 74
Added the Valmet Model 412
Condensed the Rem Model 7600
Added the 6P62(Russian Request)
Removed the notion in concealment that at 50% concealment you have to "Guess" the player/target's location
Added the Groza
Added the XM8
Added and more expanded on what buying and owning a house gets you
Added notes for giving and purchasing vehicles and houses at charactergen
Changed the ammunition "upgrades" to modifications that can be purchased with the ammo
"Subsonic" has been changed to "Low pressure" and it now provides a -1 damage and reduces recoil by 1 per damage dice@
"High pressure"(A poor simulation of +P ammo), grants a +1 damage and +1 recoil and has been added
Overpressure is now "Over Pressure" and provides a +2 damage and +2 recoil per damage dice. It also blows up when the gun jams at all, not just on a 3, unless otherwise noted.
Changed the Carrying Capacity so that it now works in the following way
Less than Carrying Capacity is not encumbered
Between 1x and 2x Carrying capacity is medium encumbered
between 2x and 3x carry capacity is heavy encumbered
More than 3x is Over encumbered
Changed the Menacing feat to say "Add their CON mod" to intimidate
Changed AA12's stock to permanent buffer stock
Changed a lot of weapons that weigh more than 25 lbs to Huge sized
Added Halbeard to the spear feats
Added the S&W 940 DAO revolver
Added the weights back to kits that were missing weights
Gave Riot armor 3/Bl, Unarmed
Changed Brass knuckles damage from Bludgoning to Unarmed
Changed Wrist wraps damage from Bludgoning to Unarmed
Removed Disposable cameras
Lowered price of Commercial cameras
Lowered price of Professional cameras
Added basic and high end Phones and Tablets
Added a rewrite of the Technology Use Skill, that was written by Boots and Conscript Gary
Added "Breakdown" upgrade that allows people to re-eigneer a firearm that can be broken down into two pieces
Changed limb protectors to also include the hands/feet of the selected limb.
Changed Autofire mastery feat so that instead of giving a bonus it actually reduces the base CRP
Added the TN for the animal to actually perform said trick
Changed how AP works. instead of it just automatically removing the -1 Damage dice, that is removed and replaced with Piercing dice only if the target is armored. Shooting an unarmored target with AP basically makes it work like FMJ.
Added Snack Food. It was a requirement.
Shifted the weight around of a lot of foods to be matching.
Changed the following feats: Autofire Prof, Slamfire Prof, Fanning Prof, Double tap Prof, Burst fire Prof, Slamfire expert, and Fanning expert to reduce the recoil of the attack in some way, by either changing the actual recoil of the attack, or reducing it, instead of a flat attack bonus
Increase toughness's CHP bonus to +2
Capped the defense bonus to movement to +15 defense
Added Soft points to Light rifle
Changed the carrying cap of some trucks
increase semi wadcutter's ER to 20%
Increased SJSP and SJHP 's ER to 15%
Increased SUrplus's ER to 30%
Added the upgrade "Fortified frame" that allows a user to fortify a firearm to take Overpressure ammunition., at the cost of making the fireramr 10% heavier
Added the ability to reload ammo to any load
Increased Crossbow damage
Changed Rifle expert to once per turn for the benefits
Changed Pistol expert's burst fire ablity to once per turn.
Changed Revolver expert's ablity to reload more than once
Changed Motorcycle suit to to protect against feet and hands
Removed Doublefire Proficency feat
Changed Bows so that only the recurve gives bonuses to damage based on str, and has a hard cap of +6 extra damage.
Changed Tightened drawstring's bonus to only work for recurve bows and crossbows, and reduced the power from 2.0 to 1.5
Changed Molle magazines to allow to hold shotgun mags with 10 rouneds or less
Changed Shoulder holster to allow the holding of shotgun magazines
Changed Tactical holder to allow to hold a shotgun magazine
Changed magazine caddy to allow the holding of shotgun magazines.
Remove the extra rail requirement to take frame slots
Notated that the Magazine foregrip needs to actually be gripped by the user to take benefit
Change Pintle to reduce the recoil by 6 instead of granting a +6 Bonus

Thursday, February 7, 2019

I'm still working!

Sorry! I always neglect this blog, I need to stop that

I'm working on the next update/release. Iv'e also given myself and Craft until July 1st of this year to be ABSOLOUTELY DONE With the books so we can start wiritng storyline and real fun shit

Stuff's getting done. Expect a fresh hot release some time in March? But definitely in June.