Friday, October 25, 2019

A change of plans.

Spiderbot's on hold until I write a real module for this game.

Something I've seen requested and the question I get most often is "What do I use this for? How do I use this game?" And with the first module basically being a corregraphed gunfight, I'm going to look at writing a module that's more in line with actually using the game, rather than just "look, here be gunfights!

It's going to be Resident Evil Themed, so look for it soon.


  1. At some point, could we please get a suplament book for more specific vehicles (like WW2 era tanks and the like) and large-caliber guns?

    1. To further expound on my "Nope."

      It's not something I'm interested in(Specific vehicles), it's not the focus of the game, and it's just not the direction I want to take the game.

      As for large caliber guns, there's a point where it's just "And you're dead", which again, isn't the focus of the game.

      This game isn't a minatures game. There are better minatures games than this.

    2. I was more looking for something to make this able to do something like Only War does for 40k RPGs, but for modern battlefields.

      I also wanted the large-caliber guns damages to be able to see what the blast and lethality radius of, say, a New York-class battleship's 14/45 caliber guns would be

    3. But if that's not something you want to do, that's fine. I'll figure it out myself if I can.

    4. It's not, and I don't.

      Feel free, however, to tackle this on your own. It's not something I'm intrested in at all, as it severely detracts from the intended focus of the game. Like i said before, it's not a minatures game, and things like "A new york class battleship's gun" basically is a party wipe immediately. That's vehicle scale. You're not surviving that.

    5. Well, I use that as an example because the USS Texas provided fire support during Operation Overlord and I want to be able to figure up what distance is too close to the arty as I'm more interested in WW2 and WW1 and before than I am with Cold War and "War on Terror" era battles.

      For reference, could you please share how you figure up what the hardness and health should be for armor, as you've already done that to an extent?

    6. Mostly arbitrary, but I looked at how much a small arm should damage said vehicle (If it should at all).

      The calibers used for calibration were 9mm, 7.62x51mm, and 12 Gauge.

      I'm assuming you're speaking about vehicle health, hardness and armor.

    7. Yes, thanks. Good luck with the module!

  2. I'm just getting back into the game, and for some reason; I suddenly can't fathom how Size Modifier works.

    In combat, does the attacker's Size Modifier apply to the Attack Roll? I'd assume so because the formula for attacking states "+ Size Modifier". Though I have always ignored this rule due to the fact my PCs and NPCs are all medium sized (human).

    NB: I presume printing the CS doesn't include the "calculations"?

    1. It does if they're different sizes. For all of the NPCs, it's baked in.

      On page 69: Since this size modifier applies to Defense against a melee weapon attack or a ranged weapon attack, two creatures of the same size strike each othernormally.

  3. Probably a good idea to put "also" in there, as in: "Since this size modifier ALSO applies to defense..."

    Without it, seems like the rule's stating Size Modifiers only applies to Defense. Which threw me off.

    Also, please add a space in "Agility Modifier(AGL)" on page 70. It's triggering me, lmfao.

    1. No hair off my nuts at all. Changed. Thanks for the look out.

      Also, space added.
