So! I forgot I hadn't posted here in two months!
I appoligize! I didn't think anyone actually read this fucking blog but here we are.
Alright, first and foremost I'm still waiting until June 1st so I can work out all the kinks with everything.
The RE2 Project got mothballed again due to us wanting to focus on GAINS, the setting, but that's coming after the June 1st Release because I want to give myself and my testers ample time to weed out all the issues. And it's already worked thus far so it's all good!
Status on Books!
Core Rulebook: Complete, but we're still doing some last bit fine tuning here and there. All will be revealed in the changelong
Modern Magika: Done. Completely. There's not much I could do or add to it going forward.
Advanced Arms: Nearly done. There are few things I've been mulling over in my head about adding/changing, but for the most part this book is in a very playable State
Simplified Quick Action Tactics System(SQuATS): Finished, but untested. The book is simpler than the core rulebook but everything functions and works.
Practical Extended Shooting Sports System(PRESSS): Completely finished and ready for testing/use. This is the IDPA/USPSA/3 Gun system that was written on a lark.
Surprise Minigame/microsystem(????): Nearly complete, can't wait to surprise you guys with this one.
Field Identification Guide, Vol 1: Complete and ready to go.
Field Identification Guide, Vol 2: Craft is finishing this one up and it should be ready and complete by June 1st. Both FIG 1 and 2 have updated text making combat far easier to use.
Module 1: Done, and tested once, but it functions.
As always, feel free to hit me up with an email for questions and such!