This update is probably the most important, as I was given full LaTeX copies of Ops and Tactics, which I have used to make BEAUTIFUL FUCKING BOOKS!
There's also full bookmarks, and a fucking table of contents! So you can print this version if you want!
Where are the supply drops?
The supply drops, got blended into the books, thanks to said anonymous donation of that latex copies. The variant rules are in the back of the book.
Where is armory?
In core, surprisingly enough. He was able to blend that into Core rulebook and make the book shorter too!
Things that got changed!
1.20 to Final
Blended into core, via anonymous Donor's latex files
Modern Magika
Switched from odts to Latex files, thanks to an anonymous Donation of code.
Changed how Etherweapons work so that they're now loadable with spells instead of having to spend more points to load it. It now gives 10/15/20 spells now, based on the size.
Changed the races! Adding a bunch more races, splitting up the few, and making more that are a bit more diverse.
5e to Final
Switched from odts to Latex files, thanks to an anonymous Donation of code.
Changed Spears to give them 2 damage dice over 1
Change Pistol mag weight to 8 oz.
Changed Prizefighter to grant an additional +3 to the Core HP
Changed a lot of the ARmor's values and protections
Chagned Armor Mastery to Reduce the CP reduction by half, rounded up.
Changed Open bolts and closed bolts so closed bolt is the default and open bolts have the penaltys
Changed the Armors DR and AP totals
Left in ANon's Side by side barrels and such
Anon Blended in Armory and Core. Left in.
Added Suppressed Barrel
Added Six12
added more Unicas
Added the MPX
Added the CZ EVO
1.13 to Final
Updated Code from the Donated Anon's latex file
Changed Spaceships from 1-15 to 1-40 range
Added MRMs.
Adjusted Weapon Range for Spaceships
Added Spaceships to the latex file
Made Modifications to Kandari and
I'm going to leave the last books from 5e up as an archive, so that anyone who prefers them, can still use them.
Shoutouts to Craft and the other editors for helping with making sure this release actually looks pretty damn good.
The Playtester team!
Boots, Spindly, Gara, Druin, CG, and all those others who contributed as well!
Kickstarter soon!
Books are up, go download em!
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